So perhaps you have a church website and are wondering what you need to include on it. Or you might be thinking about setting up a new website for your church and need a bit of inspiration. Well, look no further, we’re going to talk you through nine features that every church website needs and why they are essential for a helpful and inviting website.
The most important thing to think about when designing your church website is who you are aiming it at. Have you designed your website for your current church members or for people who are looking to visit your church? I think the way to go is to make sure new visitors to your website (and hopefully then your church) feel welcome. If your homepage is packed with rotas and huge photo slideshows of your recent church camping trip, have a think about what the people who are unfamiliar with your church would like to know.
Your church members will probably hear about the latest events during the notices at your Sunday or midweek service or via the church newsletter.